The Raising of the Son of Theophilus King of Antioch detail of Dignitaries at the King of Antiochs Court 1480
The Raising of the Son of Theophilus King of Antioch and St Peter Enthroned as First Bishop of Antioch
The Raising of the Son of Theophilus King of Antioch detail of the King of Antioch 1427
The Raising of the Son of Theophilus the King of Antioch and St Peter Enthroned as First Bishop of Antioch 1427 and 1480
Joan of Arc 1412-31 being led to Charles VII 1403-61 from the Vigils of Charles VII
Joan of Arc at the stake
Ms Fr 5054 f58v the Siege of Jargeau
Presentation of the Dauphin 1403-61 the future Charles VII of France to the City of Paris from the Vigils of Charles VII 1484
Most popular paintings
Naked Young Woman in Front of the Mirror 1515
Hercules and the Hydra c. 1475
Allegory Of Spring La Primavera
The Last Supper 1481-82
The Baptism of Christ (detail by Leonardo da Vinci) 1472-75
Drunkennes of Noah c. 1515
Apollo Chasing Daphne 1681
The Reign of Antichrist, from the Liber Chronicarum, published in 1493, illustration from, Science and Literature in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, written and engraved by Paul Lacroix, 1878
Portraits of Federico da Montefeltro and His Wife Battista Sforza 1465-66