Harl 1319 f.18 The Fleet of Richard II departs from Ireland, Histoire du Roy dAngleterre, Richard II
Harl 1319 f.57 The Parliament at Westminster deposes Richard II and proclaims the Duke of Lancaster King Henry IV, from the Histoire du Roy dAngleterre, Richard II
Harl 1319 f.37v Richard II receiving the Earl of Northumberland at Conway, from the Histoire du Roy dAngleterre, Richard II
Harl 1319 f.9 MacNamara, the Irish chieftain comes to confer with the Earl of Gloucester, from the Histoire du Roy dAngleterre, Richard II
Artist: Master The Virgil
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Harl 1319 f.18 The Fleet of Richard II departs from Ireland, Histoire du Roy dAngleterre, Richard II

Harl 1319 f.57 The Parliament at Westminster deposes Richard II and proclaims the Duke of Lancaster King Henry IV, from the Histoire du Roy dAngleterre, Richard II

Harl 1319 f.37v Richard II receiving the Earl of Northumberland at Conway, from the Histoire du Roy dAngleterre, Richard II

Harl 1319 f.9 MacNamara, the Irish chieftain comes to confer with the Earl of Gloucester, from the Histoire du Roy dAngleterre, Richard II
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