Sitemap In Alphabetical Order
Madonna and Child, Child standing, holding a bird
Artist: (after) Pier Francesco Fiorentino
Orientation: Portrait
Madonna del Magnificat (detail 1) 1480-81
Artist: Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Orientation: Portrait
Madonna del Magnificat (detail 2) 1480-81
Artist: Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Orientation: Landscape
Madonna della Cintola (detail) 1450
Artist: Benozzo di Lese di Sandro Gozzoli
Orientation: Landscape
Madonna Enthroned between Two Adoring Angels
Artist: Fra (Guido di Pietro) Angelico
Orientation: Portrait
Madonna Enthroned with Child and two Saints (Madonna in trono col Bambino e due sante)
Artist: Pietro Vannucci Perugino
Orientation: Square
Madonna Enthroned with the Infant Christ and Saints 1487
Artist: Romano Antoniazzo
Orientation: Square
Madonna Enthroned with the Infant Christ, St Peter and St Michael 1472
Artist: Lorenzo Da Viterbo
Orientation: Portrait
Madonna flanked by St. Nicholas and St. Peter Martyr
Artist: Jacopo Del Sellaio
Orientation: Landscape
Madonna in Adoration of the Christ Child with Two Angels
Artist: Alvise Vivarini
Orientation: Portrait
Madonna in Adoration of the Christ Child with Two Angels 2
Artist: Alvise Vivarini
Orientation: Portrait
Madonna in Glory with Seraphim 1469-70
Artist: Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Orientation: Slim
Madonna of Humility with a Donor and Angels
Artist: Giovanni Di Francia (see Zanino Di Pietro)
Orientation: Square